Staff Discounts & Offers

LBH Staff Offers

This website gives staff exclusive discount codes for many retailers including Boots, B&Q, most supermarkets and AirBnB for example, plus you can save on leisure activities with the family. You can also buy reloadable gift cards (both physical and digital) where you save around 6% by prepaying.

A local discount card called the Vectis card can also be downloaded by staff onto your phone; just show your card or phone at participating venues to receive local offers and discounts. 

  1. To register, you will need to enter the Scheme ID Number: 1900 and your payroll number, plus your email address and some other details. This takes only a few minutes.
  2. Once registered you can see the discounts and offers available.


Register here:

To get a Vectis card, email:

Corporate Gym Membership

You can get a year’s subsidised membership for Better leisure centres, deducted from your salary over 10 months.

Membership can be for your local borough, or Hackney, or for an extra supplement, you can use any Better gym in the UK. There are also swim-only options. 

Joining windows happen throughout the year, in December, March and August, and your year-long membership will start in January, April or September.

How to apply

Apply here:

If the site is not accepting applications, please check back in January, April or September

Eye Tests

If you use computers frequently at work we will reimburse the cost of one eye test every two years, whether you normally wear glasses or not.

We may reimburse you for more frequent tests if recommended by your optician or if you experience vision problems associated with computer use.

  • If you need glasses solely for working at a computer we will contribute up to £55 to the cost of your glasses (you may spend more and cover the difference). Your optician must confirm this.
  • You are entitled to paid time off to attend the eye test

To claim

  1. Arrange a visit with an optician of your choice, with prior permission from your manager
  2. You, your manager and your optician must complete the relevant sections of the eye test form
  3. Return the completed form and the original receipts to Payroll


CSSC Membership Discount Scheme

For just £4.50 a month, you can sign up to get exclusive membership discounts on sports and leisure activities, family days out, cinema tickets, free entrance to English Heritage sites and much more! You’ll also benefit from health and well-being advice and support as well as access to a huge, active community of like-minded people.

From January 2023 monthly fee will be £4.99

How to apply

For more information and details on how to join visit

Buy Annual Leave

Each year employees have the opportunity to buy up to 72 hours (pro-rata) extra leave to boost their annual leave entitlement.

Leave can only be bought in whole days.  This is converted into hours when applying, as some employees work non-standard working days (e.g. part-time or compressed hours).  One day’s leave is normally 7.2 hours. So if you work part-time, i.e. 21.6 hours, you can buy leave in blocks of a minimum of 4.32 hours and a maximum of 43.2hours

The calculation date for calculating the cost of the bought leave is 1 April 2022.  Initial calculations will use the salary details as of the day you buy the leave. However, any adjustments to your salary that will apply from 1st April 2022, will result in a recalculation of the costs and recovery from your pay. This includes pay awards and annual increments.

Once bought, leave cannot be resold to the Council.

An appropriate adjustment will be made to your final salary payment if you leave the council.

For more information contact