Hackney has a wide variety of information about its borough and population at your fingertips, including ward information, housing, economic and health profiles for the borough. This information is known as Hackney’s shared evidence base and is used by the Council and our partners to make decisions.
Key facts
- Hackney has 21 wards
- Hackney’s population is estimated at 273,526 people.
- Hackney is a relatively young borough with a quarter of its population under 20.
- Life expectancy is increasing for men and women, and is now 78.9 years for men
and 82.8 years for women. - Nearly 45% of all households in Hackney rent from a social landlord.
- Hackney is the third most densely populated borough in London, but it is also one
of the greenest with falling levels of car ownership and Carbon Dioxide emissions.