The Local Plan is a series of documents that set out how the geography of Hackney should develop. It outlines what guidelines will meet our communities’ future needs, while retaining what is currently important.
To accommodate our future population and economic growth, we examine the amount of housing and employment space that will be needed, as well as planning where areas for growth should be. We consider the best approach to design and other planning considerations as well as ways to make development sustainable.
Our aim is to make Hackney a better place that develops in ways that don’t leave people behind. We have developed our plan are in harmony with the development of London as a whole, as well as national policy.
We are also keen to shape our environment to promote healthy lifestyles and ensure our natural environment, wildlife habitats and heritage are conserved. We also want deliver our sustainable community strategy priorities – reducing poverty by encouraging employment opportunities and promoting mixed communities where people can access affordable housing.
A new borough wide local plan is currently being developed following extensive consultation. Meanwhile, you can read the current plan on Hackney Council’s website.